Our Trees
Common Name | Scientific Name | Family | Other Name | Remarks | Status |
Kalumpit | Terminalia microcarpa Myrobalanus microcarpa | Comnretaceae | Soap Berry Bird Lime tree |
Bark contains tannin Fruit are edible, eaten raw or made into preserves Used to sweeten and age lambanog (coconut liquer) Leaves used as cattle fodder Wood is used for light construction |
Native |
Balobo | Diplodiscus paniculatus Turcz. | Tiliaceae | Philippine Almond | Nuts have sticky kernels that become crunchy snack food when roasted or cooked in syrup. Nuts can also be ingredients of higher-value products like chocolate bars. | Native |
Alupag | Litchi chinensis var. Philippinensis | Sapindaceace | Cat's Eye Philippine Lychee | Fruits are edible, eaten raw (ripe) or dried Dried fruits helps to end Insomia | Native |
Kamagong | Diospyros blancoi | Velvet Apple | Mabolo is a fruit reach in antioxidants One of the country’s hardest woods Deep roots make it an effective windbreak Tree is also source of valuable timber that is used locally and traded as wood carvings |
Native | |
Mamoko | Glenniea philippinensis | Sapindaceae | Malachico | Fruits are edible but have subacid taste and also little astringent. The wood is suitable for furniture and carving | |
Lipa | Dendrocnide meyeniana | Urticaceae | Lipang kalabaw | Caution: Fresh Leaves Sting! Roots use for making tea. Leaves extract containt yielded anthrones, flavonoids, glycosidic flavonoids, phenolic compounds, steroids, tannins, triterpenes, and anthraquinones |
Native |
Kasoy | Anarcardium occidentale | Anacardiaceae | Cashew Apple | Leaves or bark can be made into a tea that treats diarrhea. Shell of cashew nut sorounded by a toxic oil which can burn or irritate skin |
Non-native |
Tuai | Bischofia javanica | Phyllanthaceae | Java cedar | Fruits and Nectar of Tuai insects and wild birds can benefit Young, soft leaves eaten raw or cooked Fruits used for making wine Barks can use as dye for rattan basket and bamboo mattings | Native |
Batuan | Garcinia binucao | Clusiaceae | Maladambo Binukaw Ugau | Fruits and young leaves can be eaten raw The fruits can be pickles and dried | Native |
Kalumpang | Sterculia foetida | Malvaceae | Java Olive Wild Almond Tree | Flowers have peculiar odour. The smell of the flowers can attracts a lot of pollinators. Nuts can be eaten raw or roasted. | Native |
Galo | Anacolosa frutescens | Olacaceae | Galo nut Kopi gunung | Seeds and Fruits are edible eaten raw or cooked. | |
Lipote | Syzgium polycephaloides Syzygium curranii | Myrtaceae | Bahag Baligang Igot | Fruits eaten, raw or cooked. Fruits used in making preserves, jellies, wine, pickles and beverages. Fruit is rich in vitamin C, considered as an antioxidants as well as antihypertensive. |
Native |
Anonang | Cordia Dichotoma | Boraginaceae | Soap Berry Bird Lime tree | Bark considered astringent and tonic. Fruit considered demulcent, expectorant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, diuretic, aphrodisiac and anthelmintic. Studies have shown anti-ulcer, wound healing, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti-implantation properties. | Native |
Yakal | Shorea astylosa | Dipterocarpaceae | White Lauan Red Lauan Philippine Mahogany | Yakal wood is considered one of the most expensive types of wood in the Philippines | Native |
Anubing | Artocarpus acuminatissimus Merr. | Moraceae | Indang Bayuko Kubi | Fruit reported as edible Seeds are edible, boiled or roasted Bark used for stomach aches Latix has potential for use as chewing gum base Fruits and Leaves used as fodder | Native |
Bayag Usa | Voacanga globosa (Blanco) Merr. | Apocynaceae | Testicle Tree Lapit Usa | Fruits used as antidote for food poisoning Ati tribe of Iloilo apply the paste of fresh leaves to the forehead to treat fever and spasmodic pain. Leaves for relapse (pasma) | Native |
Hauili | Ficus septica | Moraceae | Hawili | Fruits used as laxative Latex used for herpes Decoction of roots used as diuretic | Native |
Neem Tree | Azadirachta indica | Meliaceae | Nim Margosa Holy Tree | Leaves and flowers are edible Leaves used for making tea Bark used or malaria | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Narra | Pterocarpus indicus | Fabaceae | Guinea rosewood Naga Laga Mukwa | Narra is the Philippine national Tree Young Leaves and Flowers are reportedly edible Flowers a source of honey Root, bark and wood can prevent and treat a asthma | Native |
Mango | Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae | Mangga | Good source of Iron Young Fresh leaves are used for some dishes also prepared as tea Leaf Extract have a antibacterial properties | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Caballero | Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Fabaceae | Bulallak ng Paraiso Peacock Flower | Used as ornamentals Flowers and young pods can consume | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Langka | Atocarpus heterophyllus | Moraceae | Jackfruit Nangka | fruits has a high in carbohydrate content Unripe fruit can be pickled Root is considred antiasthmatic Bark is considered sedative | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Kamansi | Artocarpus camansi | Moraceae | Ugod Dalangian Kolo Breadnut | Fruits, particularly young ones, are boiled and eaten as a vegetable Seeds are rich in starch, eaten boiled or roasted Seeds is rich in protein, low in fat, rich in minerals, especially niacin | Native |
Marang | Artocarpus odoratissimus | Moraceae | Terap Madang Johey | Fruits and seeds are edible Seeds alternative source of flour | Native |
Guyabano | Annona muricata | Annonaceae | Soursop Graviola | Juicy ripe fruit eaten raw Juicy Ripe Fruits can used beverages, ice cream and jelly tarts. Fruits are rich in vitamins B and C Leaves can use to make a tea | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Durian | Durio zibethinus | Malvaceae | Civet Fruit Dulian Durio | Durian fruits have a high potassium content Fruits good source of carbohydrate. Fruits can eaten rae, sooked as vegetable, frozen or dried Flowers petals , young leaves and shoots are edible | Native |
Avocado | Persea americana | Lauraceae | Alligator pear | Fruit eaten with a dressing as a salad Fruit can make a ice cream and dessert Leaves used a tea | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Bignay | Antidesma bunius | Phyllanthaceae | Bugnay Queensland cherry | Fruits made into jam and jelly Fermented into wine, vinegar and brandy Young leaves are edible raw, in salads, or stewed with rice Leaves used as substitute fo tomato or vinegar to flavor fish and meat stews. | Native |
Kakawate | Gliricidia sepium | Fabaceae | Madre de Cacao Glory Cedar Mexican lilac St. Vincent plum | Flowers is edible Flowers attract honeybees Leaves used as a insect repellant Fodder for animals | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Calliandra | Calliandra calothyrsus | Fabaceae | Powderpuff | anti-inflammatory anticonvulsant immunomodulatory antiulcerogenic | Non-Native (Invasive) |
Alagaw | Premna odorata | Lamiaceae | Aggau Abgaw kahoy Fragrant premna | Young leaves used in cooking specially in paksiw and bopis Dried leaves used as natural pest control in poultry house | Native |
Cherimoya / Atemoya | Annona cherimola Annona x atemoya | Annonaceae | Custard Apple Sugar Apple | fruits can be eaten fresh fruits can be processed to be like ice cream, milkshakes or sorbets Crushed seed can be used as natural insecticide | Non-Native |
Peanut Butternut Tree | Bunchosia glandulifera | Malpighiaceae | Caferana Peanut butter fruit | Fruit is edible | Non-Native |
Carry Tree | Murraya koenigi | Rutaceae | Karipata Curry leaves | Leaves and fruits are edible Leaves are dry roasted or fried to a crisp Leaves used to flavor various dishes | Non-Native |
Mexican Lime | Citrus aurantifolia | Rutaceae | Key lime Acid Lime | Mexican lime fruits is smaller than other varietys Fruits key ingredient in certain pickles and chutneys. Lime juice used to flavored drinks, foods and confections. | Non-Native |
Cedro Lemon | Citrus medica | Rutaceae | Citron | Cedro is a large citrus variety. Cedro is a source of potassium to balance fluid level within the body. Can be main ingredient in Cedro Lemon Bruschetta and cedro lemon Risotto | Non-Native |
Tibig | Ficus nota | Moraceae | Sacking tree Water Tree | Ripe fruits are edible but rather tasteless Young leaves eaten as vegetable Water extracted from standing tree can relieved fever, used fror urinary infections. | Native |
Nyog-nyogan | Ficus pseudopalma Blanco | Moraceae | Lubi-lubi Philippine fig Palm like fig | Young shoots are edible, cooked in gata. Leaf decoction used for the treatment hypertension, diabetes, kidney stones and high cholesterol. | Native |
Dap Dap | Erythrina subumbrans (Hassk.) Merr. | Fabaceae | Anii Rarang December Tree | Young shoots are edible, can steam in a salads. Leaves are used for wound healing | Native |
Kamias | Averrhoa bilimbi L. | Oxalidaceae | Bilimbi Tree Iba Pias | Eaten raw the fruits Prepared as a relish and food flavoring Made into sweets and jams, used in making juices, vinegar, pickles and wine. | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Lanzones | Lansium parasiticum (Osbeck) K.C.Sahni & Bennet | Meliaceae | Boboa, Buan Langsat | Eaten fresh the ripe fruits, it can be preserve Dried fruit skins used as incense and repelants to mosquitos Juice of the bark and fruit can be used for poison arrow | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Mulberry | Morus alba Linn. | Moraceae | Morera Moras Silkworm tree | Young leaves eaten as vegetable, particularly by nursing mothers. Leaves can used as tea and powder juice Mulberry fruits can be processed making jam, wine etc. | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Aratiles | Muntingia calabua Linn. | Muntingiaceae | Cherry Tree Bird Cherry Mansanitas Saresa | Ripe fruits can be eaten Fruits processed into jam Leaves used for making tea | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Anonas | Annona reticulata Linn. | Annonaceae | Custard Apple Sarikaya Bull's Heart | Fruits is edible Leaves used in tanning, yields a blue or black dye Leaves used for Binat Juice from fresh pulp used in shampoo to kill lice | Native |
Antipolo | Artocarpus blancoi (Elmer) Merr. | Moraceae | Chipuho Kalanat Pakak | Bark extract considered antimicrobial Leaves reportedly used as food by Ayta people in Porac, Pampanga Fruits and seeds are cooked and eaten Dry Leaves to repel mosquitos | Native |
Mahogany | Swietenia mahogani (L.) Jacq. | Meliaceae | West Indian Mahogany Madeira redwood | Commerce of its wood | Non-Native (Invasive) |
Ipil Ipil | Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit | Mimosaceae | Santa Elena Agho San Pedro Kabahero | Ipil Leaves good source of nitrogen for the soil and plants. Leaves of Ipil can fodder for animals In other provinces or country seeds and young pods are cooked as vegetable. Roasted seeds used as coffee substitute Young Leaves, flowers and young pods are used as ingredients in soups and salads. | Non-Native (Invasive) |
Hanadiong | Trema orientalis Blume | Ulmaceae Cannabaceae | Hinadyong Charcoal tree Pigeon wood | Leaves and fruits reportedly eaten in African countries Young leaves eaten as spinach by the Zulus Leavesand bark can used as dye. Leaves pods and seeds used as fodder. Fiber appropriate for paper and pulp production | Native |
African Tulip | Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv. | Bignoniaceae | Sirit-Sirit Fire bell Flame of the forest | Winged seeds are reported to be edible. Timber is used for making paper Flowers yield a natural dye Sun dried bark extracts againts in E coli. | Non-Native (Invasive) |
Kaong | Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. | Arecaceae | Black Sugar Palm Bat-bat Idiog | Immature seeds are edible, usually boiled with sugar. Edible starch from the stem and trunk. Crown top or Ubod is eaten as salad or cooked Roots used as insect repellent | Native |
Tambis | Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston. | Myrtaceae | Bell fruit Water rose apple | Fruits is edible. Unripe green fruits are eaten raw and used to make pickles, jelly, syrup and sauces. Leaves are edible, eaten raw or dried. Leaves have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants , antimicrobial and etc. | Native |
Banaba | Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. | Lythraceae | Queen's flower Makablos | Leaves are used as medicine, and it is known to reduce blood sugar. Leaves and bark are helping treat UTI. Bark, fruits and leaves contain tannin. | Native |
Bakan | Litsea philippinensis Merr. | Lauraceae | Bakan | Wood used locally as a popular in carving and making religious icons | Native |
Malapapaya | Polyscias nodosa (Blume) Seemann | Araliaceae | Bongliw | Wood primarly used for fancy woodwork, native wooden shoes, matchsticks, pencil slats, lollipops and popsicle sticks. It's good material in plywood | Native |
Acacia | Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr. | Fabaceae Mimosoideae | Akasya Rain tree False powder puff | Mesocarp of the fruit are edible. Bark is abundant source of gum and resin Young pods use a fodder for cattle and horses | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Binunga | Macaranga tanarius (Linn.) Muell. -Arg | Euphorbiaceae | Elephant's Ear Bilua Ginabang | Bark and leaves use in making a fermented drink (basi) Bark contains tannin | Native |
Angels Trumpet | Brugmansia arborea (L.) Steud. | Solanaceae | Trompeta | Plant used as hallucinogen and intoxicant All plant parts are potentially poisonous | Non-Native |
Makopa | Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L,M.Perry | Myrtaceae | Macopa Java Apple Wax Apple | Fruit is edible , used in salads, also pickled Leaves used for making tea Woods is durable, moderately resistant to fungi and termites | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Linawin | Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. | Rutaceae | Gin Berry Gingging Linauin | Fruit is edible Roots and Leaves use decoction for anti fungal, taken for intestinal trouble | Native |
Bunog | Garcinia celebica | Clusiaceae | Seashore mangosteen | Fruits are edible, it has sour taste. Essential Oil from the leaves have anti cancer and antimicrobial properties | Native |
Takip Asin | Macaranga grandifolia | Euphorbiaceae | Binungang malapad Coral Tree | Nectar of the tree benefits local insects Fodder for ruminant | Native |
Tagpo | Psychotria luzoniensis F.-Vill | Rubiacea | Tagpong-gubat | Leaves can be anti ulcer | Native |
Duhat | Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels | Myrtaceae | Black plum Lomboy Java PLum | Ripe fruit is edible Juice from fruits can be made into wine and vinegar Fruit is a good source of calcium and a fair source of iron | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Lapnis | Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Herit ex Vent | Moraceae | Paper mulberry Tapa cloth Tree | Young leaves can be steamed or boiled. fruits and cooked leaves are edible Leaves atre fed to sil worm Fiber from the bark is used in making paper, cloth rope, etc. | Native |
Caimito | Chrysophyllum cainito Linn. | Sapotaceae | Star apple Milk Fruit Golden leaf tree | Fruit eaten ripe Used as ice cream and sherbet ingrdient Leaves can make a tea good for antidiabetic | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Kape | Coffea arabica Linn. | Rubiacea | Kapi Arabian coffee | Leaves used for brewing tea. Nectar and pollen from the flowers collected by honeybees Caffeien content is considered a natural herbicide | Non-Native (Naturalized) |
Matang Hipon | Breynia vitis-idaea (Burnm.f.) C.E.C.Fisch. | Phyllanthaceae | Indian snowberry Coral berry tree Torog-torog | Fruit reportedly edible Leaves have antibacterial, antioxidant | Native |
Suha | Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. | Rutaceae | Lukban Pomelo | Fresh fruits is a good source of vitamin B, Iron and calcium Tree is a valued honey plant Fruits and leaves yield essential oil tha serve as perfumery and toiletry. | Non-Native (Naturalized) |